
at skadi

SKADI ontdek je kracht

Skadi is the student rowing association in Rotterdam. Founded in 1926, the club’s rich traditions are complemented by core values rooted in equality and companionship. Skadi offers a place to all students enrolled in higher education. Although the backgrounds and interests of our members are very diverse, we take pride in our common values and our heart for Skadi. Every ‘Skadiaan’ is free to make their own contribution to the association; this is possible on a rowing as well as organisational level by participating in one of our multifaceted committees.

Throughout its history, Skadi has established many traditions. These traditions ensure that our association has a strong culture and individual identity, which distinguishes it from many other societies. As an association, we value personal development on a physical and social level in an environment facilitating the development of the professional capacities of our members with a view on the future labour market.

Skadianen compete in regattas on both the national and international level. Our rowers are part of the Holland Acht, compete in the Olympic Games, World Cups, and European Championships. The excellence of our ‘wedstrijd’ sector grants you the opportunity to develop, so that one day you can write international titles to your name and contribute to Skadi's illustrious history, following in the footsteps of Koos Maasdijk, Maaike Head, Jasper Tissen, and Marieke Keijser.

Skadi facilitates a multitude of possibilities for each of our over 800 members. Whether being actively involved in one of the club’s many committees which help run the association or rowing, training, and competing intensively under supervision of professional coaches; at Skadi there are possibilities for everyone.

For further questions please contact us via cln.[antispam] or fill out our interest form.



Will you be studying in Rotterdam next year and are you curious about rowing? Are you looking for the perfect way to combine playing sports with a new social life? Visit Skadi during the Eurekaweek! During this week we will organize many activities and events for you to get familiar with our association.


The Eurekaweek 2024 will take place from the 19th until the 22nd of august (Monday until Thursday). On each of these days Skadi will be open for you to get to know our association and to try out rowing. The entire day you will be welcome to visit Skadi to discover rowing and our members. From 16:00 onwards, Skadi's sunny terrace will be open for everyone. If you are staying in a Skadi-house during these days, also a BBQ and beer cantus will be organized for you and your fellow students.


On our large terrace you and your fellow Eurekaweek group members can enjoy the music, good vibes and the beer. There will be many of our members who can tell you everything you want to know about Rotterdam and Skadi. On top of this, you can join a guided tour through our ‘sociëteit’, try out rowing and challenge your friends on the ergometer. To summarize everything: it’s going to be a fantastic week!


Signing up to engage in the enrollment process of Skadi is possible at our association from the 19th until the 22nd of August. Skadi will also be present at the information market and sports & play during the Eurekaweek. The earlier you sign up during the Eurekaweek, the more chance of passing the enrolment process. For more information about how your first year of Skadi will look like, check out the FAQ’s.

FAQ frequently asked questions

When will I be able to sign up? What is the lottery system?

In general, there are two moments within a year at which you can sign up for Skadi.
First, there is the official period during the Eurekaweek in the summer after which you can truly call yourself a Skadiaan.
Then there is also the HIP (Half-yearly Introduction Period) starting in May. During this period you can already get familiar with Skadi, its members and of course rowing. At the end of this period you can decide whether or not to sign up during the official term in the summer. You can find more information regarding the HIP under the header ‘Half-yearly Introduction Period’ in the text above.
Since there are typically more applications for enrollment than there are spots in our association, a daily lottery system has been put in place. You will be entered into a lottery in order to confirm your enrollment. This means that the earlier you sign up, the more likely you are to be given a spot.

What does Skadi have to offer apart from rowing?

Skadi is much more than just a rowing club! Alongside rowing and coaching, there are plenty of opportunities to join various committees. Skadi organises numerous annual events such as the Gala, a Skitrip and multiple (inter)national rowing competitions. On top of this, you can get to know Dutch ‘gezelligheid’ in our ‘Societeit’, where you can enjoy a weekly ‘borrel’ (traditional evening) on Tuesdays and parties on Thursdays. Finally, Skadi, similar to other Dutch student associations, has numerous ‘disputen, ‘verticalen’, societies, and Skadi houses. Something for everyone!

How do you form your crew?

Forming your crew is entirely up to your preferences regarding what you want to do at Skadi. If you decide to follow the ‘wedstrijd’ (competitive) track, you will be chosen based on your motivation, strength, and talent. With the guidance of professional coaches, you will row with a crew best suited to your abilities. If you decide to opt in for the recreational track, you will be able to form your own crew. With the crew that you form in your first year, you will be able to compete in various races and regattas in either a boat for 4 or 8 rowers, with the addition of your coxswain (the person steering and guiding the boat!). Later in the year there are also opportunities to try out rowing in a single scull (a boat designed for one person).

What is 'wedstrijd' rowing?

As a ‘wedstrijd’ (competitive) rower at Skadi, you will be a part of the top tier athletes within the association. Together with your crew, you will push yourself past your limits; training in the boat, Skadi’s own gym, and on the ergometer in order to beat the competition. As a competitive rower, you will be led by the best coaches and row in a superb fleet. You have got one common goal: crossing the finish line first at national competitions such as the Varsity and international regattas such as the Henley Royal Regatta. Undergoing this kind of experience and rowing at a high level will build and cement friendships for life. 

Are you unsure whether ‘wedstrijd’ (competitive) rowing is something for you? Fill in our interesseformulier and come into contact with one of our current rowers. No prior rowing experience is necessary in order to become a ‘wedstrijd’ rower. 

Are you an experienced rower and wish to train and compete at a high level? There are endless opportunities within our ‘wedstrijd’ rowing sector. Being placed with our older, more experienced competitive rowers within our senior groups or moving into coaching or coxswaining are options. For further queries please send us an email to cln.[antispam]

What is ‘competitie’ rowing?

Within the ‘competitie’ (recreational) sector, you will be much more flexible to train as much as you would like. As a first year at Skadi, you will compete in national races, of course having the freedom to train however competitively you like, from every weekday, to a biweekly basis. Have exams, or stuck in a stressful period? You can always opt to row a little less.

Within the recreational sector Skadi also offers ‘Club’ and ‘Top’ levels of rowing. This entails that you will be rowing in some of the best boats within the recreational fleet, rowing at the highest level of our recreational sector, where Skadi has been among the top clubs for the past decade.

Are you unsure whether ‘competitie’ (recreational) rowing is for you? Fill in our interesseformulier and come into contact with one of our current recreational rowers. There’s also the ‘Afroeiperiode’ at the beginning of September in which you’ll come into contact with what it’s like to follow this track. No prior rowing experience is necessary in order to become a competitive rower. 

What does a coxswain do?

Most boats require a coxswain, otherwise known as a ‘stuurtje’. As the cox, you’ll be in charge of the boat. Feeling any changes in the boat, and providing feedback to your crew, you will be the motivator for the rowers, tasked with guiding the boat and crew to victory. Coxswains can be the deciding factor between a gold or silver medal and tend to be of smaller and lighter build.

Should I become a member as a first year student?

Skadi can be as much a part of your life as you make it. It’s great to combine with your first year as a student, as you decide how much you would like to commit to the association. Rowing is great to combine with your studies, as it helps build structure and a schedule. You can find support from your crew and other members even opting for study advice and tutoring!

Is there a hazing?

Before the start of the school year, there will be an introductory weekend known as the ‘KISS’. You will be physically active and get to know the traditions of Skadi!

Can I become a member under the age of 18?

Being under the age of 18 is no problem when it comes to membership! You will have access to all of our facilities including our ‘Societeit’, keep in mind that you will have to wait until you are 18 before being served alcohol. Skadi is just as great for anyone 18+ as it is for anyone younger than 18.

Are internationals welcome?

Internationals are more than welcome at Skadi! Joining Skadi is a great way to get introduced into Dutch student life with its unique cultures and traditions. Rowing allows you to experience this student culture, meeting many other students, and enjoying a wide range of rowing as well as social activities. There are no requirements for joining, but as an international you do have to keep in mind that the main language used at Skadi is Dutch, so you will have to be willing to learn the language and immerse yourself into Skadi’s traditions. If you have any questions regarding rowing at Skadi or joining as an international, fill out our interest form

Are you an experienced rower and wish to train and compete at a high level? Send us an email to cln.[antispam] and we will match you to one of our members who can answer your questions about rowing competitively at Skadi!

Please note that in order to become a full member at Skadi, a Dutch bank account is mandatory. 

Can I become a member if I am studying at the Hogeschool?

Of course! Skadi is a student rowing association, as long as you are following higher education, you are more than welcome!